Sunday, January 21, 2018

 This week we finished our leadership unit in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.  The children have really taken to the concept of being a leader and acting like Martin Luther King Jr. on a daily basis! We started our discussion on what it means to be ‘fair’ and how it makes you feel when someone treats you ‘unfairly.’ We watched a video from Kid President about specific ways that Martin Luther King Jr. fought for equal rights for all Americans through peaceful demonstrations.  We read the story, Martin’s Big Words by Doreen Rappaport and through watercolor paintings she tells the story of this true hero in simplistic way that the kiddos could enjoy.

                                                               Language Arts

We read the story, Snowman at Night for our book study this week. The kiddos sequenced events in the story looking at the details from the beginning, middle and end. Also, the coinciding word work focused on building words from the –old family.

There were new literacy stations this week! A few of the centers focused on MLK Jr., while others worked on phonological awareness and comprehension skills. 

                                                             Writer’s Workshop
This week we finished our How-To unit.  The kiddos took on the role of teachers and had to share something they could do well. We started making recipes with a materials list and then writing 3 instructions to explain their thinking. The final recipes included- Chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter and jelly, macaroons and many more!

We started a new round of math stations focusing on the different symbols.  We also started working on math equations where part of the equation is missing.  For example 4 + __ =12. This is a tricky concept for the K-kids because it requires an understanding of how the numbers work together.  Also, the kiddos had a snowball fight focusing on fluency of math facts to 10. They loved this game and the kiddos are competitive with one another! 

The children created their own snowstorm pictures using a shaving cream and glue. Next, they brainstormed what they would do in the snow and completed a writing activity. 

                                                                  Upcoming Events

Conferences- Thursday, February 15 and Friday, February 16

A sign up sheet will be sent out this week to reserve a time slot.  I am looking forward to meeting with you again!

Tomorrow we will dive into our Ocean unit- get your goggles ready ☺

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