Sunday, October 22, 2017

Field Trip to The Grove

This past week the Kindergartners had their first field trip to The Grove.  It was a successful trip filled with fall games, a hayride, pumpkin picking, haunted trail, and a few were brave enough to touch a snake! 

They were all smiles on our trip. J I was impressed with how well the children listened and were respectful to the Grove staff and their teachers.

Pumpkin Carving Night!

Creepy, Crawly Arachnids!

We began the week with a schema chart about spiders.  The kiddos learned that their schema is what they already know about a given topic.  Next, they shared questions or facts they want to learn more about. This activity is great tool when guiding new learning.   The kiddos interests guide the new learning! They were surprised that spiders had blue blood and that not all spiders spin webs!  We dove deeper into learning through videos and non-fiction books!

Language Arts

Poetry- We read the book, Fire, Fire! The children were detectives hunting for letters and popcorn words.  Poetry is important because it develops fluency and rhythm while reading.

Literacy Stations- Through a variety of games, the children practiced identifying the initial, medial, and ending consonant of words.   A favorite activity of the week was Read, Roll and Write.  The children had to roll 3 different cubes, identify the letter sounds and blend the sounds together to match with the corresponding picture. Many of the children completed this activity independently and it is exciting to see the progress being made.

The children continue to progress during Writer’s Workshop.  They are working hard to draw a detailed picture and sound out words on their own.  This week we wrapped up Unit 1 of Our pictures tell a story. 

Pumpkin Science Investigation- The K-kids completed a variety of experiments using their pumpkins from The Grove! They made predictions to see if their pumpkin would sink or float along with other classroom materials. They had fun seeing if their predictions were correct! 

Pictured above, the K-kids measured the height and circumference of the pumpkin using unifix cubes and a string. We practiced explaining and recording our findings just like real scientists!


Journals- This week we worked on comparing two numbers and incorporated new math vocabulary such as greater than, less than, fewer when explaining our pictures and story problems!  The kiddos are getting comfortable explaining their thinking and sharing their ideas with the class. 

Stations- The games included Spider addition, find the missing spider, and spooky spider patterns which all develop their math skills.

P.E- The kiddos had a blast playing the game, Red Light, Green Light.  The kiddos raced around the gym in their ‘cars’ and had to not only listen, but watch for the correct traffic signals.  Thankfully, no speeding tickets were given out J

Reading Buddies

The K-kids were the spider experts and enjoyed quizzing their 8th grade buddies.  They completed a spider craft together.  Their art will be displayed on the outside bulletin board, so be sure to take a peek!

Events This Week!

Carnival- Friday, October 23- 11:45-12:45

Cost-$10  The children will receive a badge and this will be in place of tickets.  They can play unlimited games and earn prizes at the event. 

On Friday, the children will bring their costumes in a bag to school. At 11:30 the children will change into their costume and we will go as a class to the Carnival from 11:45-12:45. 

Parents you are welcome to come!! You may arrive at 11:30AM to assist with costume changes and join us after for the games. We would love to have you, please let me know if you are interested. 

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