Sunday, December 3, 2017

The K-kids had a wonderful first week back to school after Thanksgiving Break.  They were excited to get back to their routine and see their friends! Here is a snapshot of our week. 

Grandparents and Special Friends Day

The K-Kids and grandparents worked together to create a family tree. 

It was such a treat to have these special visitors for the day!

Music program- Each child had a special role directing the JK and PK kiddos, playing an instrument and singing songs.  They were a delight to watch and put on a fantastic show. 

This week we focused on The Leader in Me and Habit Number 4-Think Win-Win.  I read the story, The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister and we discussed the value of friendship and developing a Win-Win mindset.  They learned how their actions and responses affect other people.  Rainbow Fish learned to share her precious silver scales and learned the true meaning of friendship. The kiddos shared stories that related to the Rainbow fish. 

Math stations 

Strategy games are important to help children critically think through, “If this..then that” scenarios.  This game fosters problem-solving and critical thinking skills, mathematical reasoning, decision making and cooperation! 

Literacy Stations

The K-kids worked on handwriting and correct letter formation in their Handwriting Without Tears workbook and then as a fun follow up activity they wrote in shaving cream!

Many of the games this week focused on work families and decoding words.

 Reading Buddies 


Come visit the BOOK FAIR in the library! It will be open on December 4-8.

The fair has a wonderful selection of books that would be applicable to the K-kiddos. 

Winter Program- Thursday, December 7 at 6:30

The 1st through 4th graders will represent the Lower School in a musical and tumbling performance.  The Middle and Upper Schoolers also perform pieces from their musical show.  There is a Spaghetti dinner available before the show. Please RSVP if you would like to come!

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